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Digital Lab

Digital Lab is at Level 13, Block A PPNS, at the Digital Government Division office.

Welcome to our Digital Lab. During special sessions, participants will use this space to learn, design, innovate, create to improve our problem-solving skills. There will be ongoing conversations and discussions where you can join and learn updates about business, trends, technology, news, and more.

Design Thinking

At the heart of Design Thinking, it is about the people who will use the solutions one day. How this will solve their problems ?

Every problem in life can be solved and made a bit better if not completely better with method such as Design Thinking, designing the solutions just to solve the problems of the people.

Automate Transform Innovate

We take it a step at a time. We first automate the solutions, then we transform the workflow and lastly we think of how to innovate. #automate #transform #innovate help us to the closer to the people. We have them in mind when we design the solutions. With this, #digitalgovernment is just a step away.

Be authentic and original

Be original, show off your style, and tell your story.

In this Lab, you can explore, learn, unlearn, design, troubleshot and redesign all over again.

Get Inspired

To keep up with all things in the technology world, our mind needs to be constantly stimulated.

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